Bring on the New Year with all new perspective.

Never fails does it!? That saying “can’t teach an old dog new tricks” kind of reminds me of my life! I take on so much that when I get overwhelmed I just hide out until it all goes away, but does it “go away” no! It just becomes more stuff to do and some things I have to let go. Being a “normal” person is hard work!! As Badass as I am, I still have so much to deal with and learn.

This past year has been one for the record books, but I intend on having a better year in 2019. 2018 showed me what I am capable of and to slow it down. It is not a race to a finish line. It’s my life! Those shitty men I was surrounding myself with…. Gone! The impulsive behaviour, like getting a dog,….. in check! All the Askholes? Gone!! This is my year to grow my family ties deeper and to grow as a person on the inside.

All these hardships this year come down to how I feel about myself. Now that I am aware of that I can change it. I don’t need to be who you want me to be, but I will be who I am meant to be and that is understood and respected. I slept around some in this past year because I finally felt comfortable in my own skin to give myself to someone. Sadly, I was giving myself away for nothing in return. I have some great stories to share one day though, when I’m ready. The worst part of these adventures is that some people are such shamers. Just because I chose to act slutty doesn’t mean anyone gets to call me a slut. Sex shaming, parent shaming and all shaming in general is a shitty thing to do. Keep that shit to yourself thanks.

Then there’s comments like “Bonnie, your not ready for a relationship” or “Bonnie you need to put more effort into your kids” and a slew of other comments. My response? My life, my mistakes and my journey to growth. I grew up being talked to like this and it can stop anytime thanks!

So here it is….. I have some news that personally is none of anyone’s business, but I did choose this life of public speaking and vulnerability. I. Have. A. Boyfriend. AND….. I have recently chosen to incorporate alcohol into my life.

It’s funny how other people drink and its okay. I choose to have a drink and omg Bonnie is making a mistake. I enjoyed sobriety for I feel it helped me get through some tough shit like my childhood molestation, but I quit to save my marriage because I was afraid of him leaving me. I have wanted to have a drink occasionally and am told by friends that I shouldn’t, or I can’t , or to be careful……… please do not throw stones in a glass house. Or be smarter and live in a normal house like I do where people make mistakes hahahaha.

Well thats all I got for now! I am hoping to start the new year with some great fucking content. Some funny shit and some stuff people don’t talk about because their scared of other peoples opinions. Well I am done hiding myself because of opinions. Join me on this side~

XX Badass

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