Am I that interesting? Some would say so, and I would agree with those people. As a diehard procrastinator I’m trying to get into the swing of writing again. What better way than to follow a 30 day guideline and stick to it. Thank you Pinterest for never ending content ideas.
Day 1. Post a picture of yourself with 10 facts.

Fact 1. In case you didn’t know I am a Badass. Actually people called me Bonnie B from age 15 onward. As I jumped into my public speaking and service career people started calling me Badassbon. The B from my teen years stood for Bitch ? I am glad I’ve grown out of that name and into my more fitting one.
Fact 2. I do public speaking. This literally was not on my radar. I knew I wanted to help people and I did always enjoy the limelight, but it was when I went to a conference a couple years ago that I knew my destiny. I shared a bit of my story with my table and before I knew it I was standing on a stage giving the audience my two minute story. I talk fast so they got quite a bit hahaha. Well here I am still sharing my story for the world to hear, but now I do it in 20-40 minutes.
Fact 3. I found my bio dad 2 years ago after searching for 17 years. Thank you Facebook. This was an emotional one for me, as I looked for so long and I never had the courage to call any of the phone numbers I had found. I would instead get my Mom to call. To no avail. When I found him I was heartbroken to hear my mother had contacted him many years before to inform him he was not my father….. side note, he is. She can never take away everything from me no matter how hard she tries.
Fact 4. I have not talked to my mother in 3 years next month.
Fact 5. When I stood up for myself and said fuck shame I publicly shared my story that my step father had in fact molested me. It was then that I cut off all contact to both of them. They still live together to this day.
Fact 6. I travelled with the carnival for many years I started at 14. Back at 15 and 16. From 18-24 and some local spots up until 30. They were singlehandedly my truest family for many years. Truly a place I was never judged and could be my authentic self.
Fact 7. I have a brother. His name is Edward. He was 5 years older than me and passed away. He had 39 disabilities and didn’t grow up with me, but he was very special to me. You can read about him in the book Sacred Hearts Rising: sparks of light. Extra fact. I co-authored a chapter in each of the Sacred Hearts Rising books.
Fact 8. I hold two titles that I won in the Miss BC pageant. One provincial and one regional. Mrs. Charity BC and Mrs. Lower Mainland 2019-2021 I cherish these titles. I worked very hard for these titles and am the proudest of myself for never giving up.
Fact 9. I can swim really really well. My form is atrocious hahaha but I can hold my own. Last summer I swam almost across Hayward lake and back and chilled in the middle for sometime. Got a bit hairy when the current came in, but we all made it. Extra fact. I grew up with an indoor pool and was taught unconventionally. Also known as figure it out hahahaha. Us 80’s babies are tough.
Fact 10. I love my tribe. If I love you I will always be there for you. Wether it’s family, a friend, a significant other or even a pet. If you are in my tribe I will forever be in your corner. My best attributes are my loyalty and integrity.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s prompt My favourite quote and why.
xx Badassbon